Looking back on 2018, looking forward to 2019
It’s hard for me to think about 2018 with fondness. It went to shit before the halfway mark, and it’s really hard to think about any positives.
But I know a lot of good stuff happened, I just need to take an actual look back rather than getting stuck in the bad shit (which is difficult). So this post is an effort to help myself remember the good that has happened in 2018! And of course, to lay out some plans for 2019.
2018: The Good Stuff
2018 started with the awesome chance to do a Masterclass for the Ministry of Testing on my career experience thusfar. This was my first webinar, and the experience was excellent! The Ministry of Testing really knows what they’re doing with these Masterclasses! There are a ton out there, and they do them regularly – definitely check them out!
In March, a group of ladies at work got together and formed the Professional Women’s Network TMRN (Team Member Resource Network), of which I’m the vice president. We help bring ladies across our family of companies together to support each other, network, and learn how to make our lives better. It’s a lot of socializing that I’m not the biggest fan of, but an area where I can definitely grow.
Then a bunch of shit happened.
But in July I was excited to speak at KCDC, and to be invited to speak at PubConf! For KCDC I turned my 45-minute talk on testing REST services into a workshop – the first time I’d be doing a workshop outside of work. That was a bit daunting… But I was so stoked to be able to put together a super sarcastic, sweary Ignite-style talk! I still have it in my TODO list to publish the video of my talk…
I then was able to speak at THAT Conference in Wisconsin, and then the big trip I was super excited for! The trip to speak at TestBash Manchester! I had never been overseas before this, so it was doubly exciting – speaking at a TestBash (a dream!) as well as being able to travel to the UK! I was able to bring my husband along, and he not only got to see me speak at Test.Bash();, he got to enjoy the trip and we had a mini-vacation in Scotland (also a dream!).
My husband helped me to redesign my website, including designing me a new logo! And I contributed again to the C# Advent Calendar, which was a lot of fun as usual!
Professionally, it was a good year with 7 talks and workshops – a year that I was initially planning on doing not too much after 2018 being kind of crazy speaking-wise.
2019: Looking Ahead
So far in 2019, I’m scheduled to speak at CodeMash, TestBash Brighton, and StarEast.
For CodeMash, I’ve been a track chair for the past 3-4 years, so haven’t been able to speak. This was the first CFP I was able to submit to, and was super excited to be picked! I’ll be doing my workshop on testing the UI and API together – the workshop premiered at TestBash Manchester and went great!
Of course I’m stoked about TestBash Brighton to not only be speaking at another TestBash (still a dream!!!) but also to be able to spend a bit more time in England, and finally see Brighton for once!
I’m really excited about StarEast because I’m pairing with the one and only Lisa Crispin on a full-day tutorial! I can’t wait to work with her, and potentially get to meet some of her donkeys!
I’m still waiting to hear back on a few conferences, and there will be some whose CFPs open later in the year that I’m looking forward to. There are some that were at the same time as the Anniversary of The Worst Day Of My Life so couldn’t even think to submit to them…
For 2019, I’m hoping for a much less tragic year. Professionally, I want to speak at a few more conferences than the 3 I’ve got scheduled. I want to improve my JavaScript skills (I have to rewire my brain for that, I think).
Personally, I want to do more with wearables, probably learning Python properly for that as well. Making some things with my hands, which I haven’t done in a long time. I need a hobby!
May your 2019 be kick ass!

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.