Suggested (to me) Books on Leadership
I recently tweeted for suggestions on books about self leadership, and leadership in general – especially books that personally helped people. I wasn’t looking for “I heard this book is great” but rather “this book helped me to become a better leader” etc.
I’m compiling the list here because I got a variety of suggestions in various tweets, and I want to have a definitive list when I go looking for books and not have to troll through my twitter mentions 😛 But also compiling here as it may help others!
Several people suggested Becoming a Technical Leader by Gerald Weinberg, along with Weinberg’s Secrets of Consulting, and Becoming a Change Artist. I should just read all of his books I guess…
One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (blog post w/ suggestion here:
The Power of Servant Leadership by Robert Greenleaf
Tribal Leadership by David Logan (as well as the TED talk:
And of course, Jim Holmes’ book The Leadership Journey – I read what he has so far, and am excited for him to finish it (nudge nudge)!
Thanks to @spectacledbear, @qahiccupps, @jessclancaster, @codebully, and @pkirkham for their suggestions!
I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.