CodeMash 2016
CodeMash 2016 was awesome, as per usual. This year, I think we had a much larger turnout of testers than before. We even had some testing related open spaces!
I wasn’t able to go to all of the sessions I wanted to, but I live-tweeted the ones I did attend! I ended CodeMash with about 400 tweets, according to the rough count I got from Twitter (top is day 1 of CodeMash, before I started tweeting, bottom is after my final CodeMash tweet on Friday):

Here’s the Storify of the Precompilers I attended, which were
- Python Koans with David Stanek
- Creative Collaboration with Doc Norton
- Testing RESTful Web Services with Mark Winteringham.
On Thursday, I attended the following sessions (which are in the Storify link below them):
Is your API leaking? Breaking APIs to increase security with Joe Kuemerle
- A whole team approach to testing with Jon Kruger
- Accessibility of the modern web with Brian Greene
- Growing a Testing Whole Quality Team The Hard Way with Jim Holmes
- Open Space – tester lean coffee
How do we solve for XX? with Kate Catlin
- Jam Session!
On Friday, I attended the following sessions (which are in the Storify link below them):
- Oppose Your Impostor! How to Be Freed From Feeling Like a Fraud with Marueen Zappala
- How to Stop Hating your Test Suite with Justin Searls
- Automation in Testing, Go Beyond Test Automation with Richard Bradshaw
- My God, it’s Full of Tests with Kyle Lewis
- Open Space – testing discussions
- Secrets of Success in the Style of Glee with Jennifer Marsman

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.