Tester Drinkup in Columbus 6/15
Hi folks! I’ll be in Columbus speaking at Nationwide and Per Scholas on 6/16, but I’ll be getting into town 6/15 so let’s have a Testers Drinkup! Suggestions on a place? I’m staying in Dublin, so near there would be preferable…
What: Testers Drinkup
When: 6/15 8pm
Where: some bar near Columbus, OH
Why: to hang out and ease the nerves!

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.
Dublin is pretty spread out, but if you’re speaking at Nationwide I think I know where you’ll be (probably at my old office!). Taking that into account, here are some suggestions for nearby booze-n-food-n-booze (and booze):
Yogi’s Bar and Grill
5857 Karric Square Dr.
Dublin, OH 43016
Phone: (614) 798-1772
-Local, popular watering hole
-If it’s packed, On The Rocks is in the same strip mall
BJ’s Brewhouse
5141 Tuttle Crossing
Dublin, OH 43016
Phone: 614.659.9400
-Restaurant/bar – plenty of food, good beer selection
56 North High Street
Dublin, OH 43017
-Irish bar
-A bunch of folks went there after QA or the Highway
J. Liu, Mezzo, Tucci’s
-3 restaurants in downtown Dublin, all within walking distance of each other and Brazenhead
Dub Pub
5736 Frantz Road
Dublin, OH 43016
-After-hours party place for you krazy kids
See ya…wherever we choose!
-Damian Synadinos