Intro on STC
I’ve recently gotten involved with Software Testing Club at a.”volunteer community” level. Here’s my intro post :)
I’ve recently gotten involved with Software Testing Club at a.”volunteer community” level. Here’s my intro post :)
Recently, Craig Earl (@beardedtester) posted on Software Testing Club asking “Who Has Inspired You?” (here). My immediate response to this question is Jiro Ono. I learned about Jiro watching a documentary on Netflix called “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. …
Are you a test lead or manager? How do you deal with failure of your team? I’m interested in how you deal with individuals that fail in their jobs, as well as an entire team that failed in a task.How do you hold individual QA accountable?
I’ve had to review a lot of resumes in the past year and a half or so, and have done a lot of phone interviews and more in-person. I’m not a recruiter, I’m not HR, I’m QA. I see the resumes of those applying for QA positions. I see a lot of WTF in…
I recently put out a call on Twitter for QA interview questions. “What are your favorite questions to ask potential QA for your team?” I asked. Brian Prince (@brianhprince) suggested I ask Jim Holmes (@aJimHolmes), who promptly linked to a post on…
It’s the Monday after a GiveCamp and that means I’m tired and cranky – what’s new, right? 😛 This, however, was the first GiveCamp that I was on the board for. I participated in the conference calls, I checked in on things with WCC, (barely) assis…
Why am I a GiveCamper? First, I get to volunteer – I get to help an NPO with something that normally they wouldn’t know I could help them with, and probably don’t know many others that could help them either. Second, it’s a strange kind of awesome…
At the August 10th meeting of Ann Arbor .NET Developers (@AADND and I’ll be giving a lightning talk. The topic is “developing for idiots”. No, it’s not about how to develop software if you’re an idiot – it’s about how the idea th…
I have been looking for a little over a year now to move away from the company I currently work for and move on – either do some development, or still doing QA but on a different kind of product. I was becoming increasingly unhappy with the focus …