Implementing RestSharp in REST API automated tests
I have written before a few times about implementing automated tests for REST APIs using C# (here and here). In those posts, I’ve used a utility method to handle the actual sending …
I have written before a few times about implementing automated tests for REST APIs using C# (here and here). In those posts, I’ve used a utility method to handle the actual sending …
I finally got around to putting all of my tweets from TestBash Manchester, and Test.Bash(); into a Twitter Moment! They are here: Note that the Test.Bash(); section is a bit …
It’s been a bit quiet lately, and that’s because I’ve been very busy with creating a workshop and new talk for TestBash Manchester! Now that it’s done, I can finally …
I can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks until the 10th Ann Arbor GiveCamp! I’ve been volunteering with GiveCamp (Lansing and Ann Arbor) since 2010, and keep coming back because it …
I get involved in a lot of things around technology, especially with kids in Detroit. I love being able to help these kids not only see a future in technology …
Sigh… KalamazooX is over. Most likely won’t be another one. Not sure what will be able to help me like it has now, but we’ll see. It’s not just a …
The last Kalamazoo X conference in Kalamazoo is taking place on April 21st of this year. I’m sad to see it go, but excited to see what it evolves into. …
On February 20th, I shared my career journey for the first time to a large audience. I gave a Ministry of Testing Masterclass called “Not All Who Wander Are Lost: …
It’s taken far too long to put this together! Here are my Storify posts of my live-tweeting the sessions from Codemash January 9-12 2018! Precompilers (Day 1 and 2): …
I recently participated in my company’s 24 hour hackathon. I pulled together my tweets on Storify here: It was a super cool experience, and I’m looking forward to learning more …