Along came a meetup
So I started this thing, called the Mid-Michigan Testers Meet Down. The first event of which was today. We had 43 registered to attend, and about 30 showed up.
HOLY SHIT you guys. That happened. I’m still all “wow”.
No, it wasn’t a huge deal. We had some thoughtful and conversation-evoking lightning talks, we had a round of Battleship and discussion, we had food and drink, we went to the bar after. But the thing here is – I STARTED THIS.
Those that know me know I have some issues with social anxiety. The drive to Okemos this morning, my hands were sweating and I was feeling sick. I did it anyway. I shook hands with people, met some in person that I had only talked to online, I hung out. I was scared that everything would fall apart. But! It didn’t! And FFS I want to do another one! I has a cray cray…
Thank you very much to Phil, Matt, Jess and Erik for helping to make this event the success that it was. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.
You should be excites it was am awesome event. if I hadn’t known going in, I would have assumed you had already run many of them. You should be proud of what you accomplished. Now when’s the next one? (:
It’s been awhile since I wrote that comment. The only thing I can say is… I really need to NOT type comments on my phone. wow…
It was a great day – and we made it happen. Hope it gives you a confidence boost and shows what you can do. Looking forward to the next one