Another GiveCamp done…
It's the Monday after a GiveCamp and that means I'm tired and cranky - what's new, right? :P This, however, was the first GiveCamp that I was on the board for. I participated in the conference calls, I checked in on things with WCC, (barely) assis...
It’s the Monday after a GiveCamp and that means I’m tired and cranky – what’s new, right?
This, however, was the first GiveCamp that I was on the board for. I participated in the conference calls, I checked in on things with WCC, (barely) assisted in the vetting of the NPOs, and put up with Mike Eaton and Jay Harris much more than any human should have to
I volunteered to be on a team, as well, but didn’t expect to work much with them (which I didn’t, really). Mostly, I was a runner and all around delegatee of shit Mike and Jay didn’t want to or didn’t have time to do. I also got the crap shift Friday and Saturday nights, but it’s usually during those very early hours in the morning when interesting things happen, and I wasn’t disappointed
I always tell myself I will take more pictures, and I’m not gonna cry at the closing ceremony, and I’ll drink more water and less Mt. Dew. None of those things ever happen the way I wanted. I only took 6 pics, and they are here. Nothing special, as usual. Of course I cried at the closing ceremony – it’s hard not to when you’re already a cry baby before being sleep deprived And I drank I think 2 bottles of water to the many bottles of Dew and Red Bull and coffee and espresso (thanks Jeff!).
As I noted in my last post about GiveCamp, it’s an exhausting yet rewarding experience, and they get to be kind of addictive. Not enough to want to do another one in a month (sorry Grand Rapids!) but enough to do a few per year.
Thank you so much to all of the volunteers that came out to give their all to help the NPOs. It’s always great to meet new people that are as geeky and giving as I am.
I also need to apologize again to anyone I offended with my profanity – sorry! It’s who I am, and I try to reign it in, but with sleep deprivation and too much caffeine and sugar, I’m bound to drop a few F-bombs. And talk about porn… and bondage… and Mike or Jay’s mom…

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.