Old ladies are awesome
One thing about being a woman in tech - we're generally outnumbered at user group meetings and conferences etc. Tonight was the Ann Arbor .NET Developers user group meeting, and after we headed to the Arbor Brewing Company for drinks. There were 2...
One thing about being a woman in tech – we’re generally outnumbered at user group meetings and conferences etc. Tonight was the Ann Arbor .NET Developers user group meeting, and after we headed to the Arbor Brewing Company for drinks.
There were 2 other women at the meeting (one being Jennifer Marsman – she of awesomeness that inspired me to get into tech in the first place!), but it was Jennifer and I alone with a dozen or so guys at the bar. Jennifer had gone off somewhere for a minute when an old lady (in her 70s maybe) comes out of the bathroom, seeing me as the only woman at the table with these guys. She says to me:
I don’t know what you’ve promised these men or what they’ve promised you to flock around you like this, but collect!
Stunned doesn’t even come close… It was totally awesome…

I’m Hilary Weaver, also known as g33klady on the Internets. I’m a Senior Quality Engineer working remotely near Detroit, I tweet a lot (@g33klady), and swear a lot, too.